Improving children participation in legal proceedings
The Justice Youthopia project, funded by the European Union, is implemented by Save the Children Italia Onlus, La Merced Migraciones, Instituto de Apoio à Criança and Salvati Copii in Italy, Spain, Portugal and Romania respectively.
The project activities carried out in these countries aim to address the weaknesses of the justice system in ensuring children’s access and effective participation in legal proceedings. Through participatory workshops, small group discussions and individual legal counseling, children will be better informed about the decisions affecting their lives.
The final goal is to reduce children and young adults’ dissatisfaction towards the justice system and to prevent recidivism. Child friendly materials and tools will be produced and disseminated among justice professionals with the aim to improve their ability to communicate with children in legal proceedings.
A video has been produced within the project, Justice Youthopia, funded by the European Union’s Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (2014-2020). The video content concerns the contact with justice by a group of young adults involved in the activities promoted by Save the Children and Instituto de Apoio à Criança in Bari and Lisbon. Listening to their point of view, experience, and ideas for improving the justice system.
The goal of the video is to raise the awareness of the final interlocutors of this sector (institutions, partners, stakeholders in the area, professionals).

“This webpage was funded by the European Union’s Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (2014-2020).”
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